Mental Audio podcast is a pure music, monthly radio show hosted by ND U. Our aim is to showcase some of the most talented local Taiwanese DJ’s And international DJ’s with exclusive mixes for you to download and enjoy at anytime of the day. We are dedicated to present you the best quality underground House/Techno music from around the world.
Mental Audio 昰一個線上撥客音樂廣播. 每月份會為大家製作兩小時的純音樂DJ MIX, 每集撥客將會介紹一位具有非凡才華特別來賓. 他們將會帶給大家一小時的精彩混音提供各位免費下載讓你隨時隨地都能聽到好音樂. 我們承諾為大家從世界各地帶來最有質感的地下 House/Techno 音樂.