2012年3月21日 星期三

Eddie Hu - Podcast 08 (Mental Audio Podcast 08 Part-2 Guest Mix)

You may dowonload every episode for free and enjoy it where and when you want to.  

台灣電子音樂廠牌你知道的有幾個? 我想真的數下來不會用到超過十根手指頭.
Revox Records (回聲唱片)台灣少數踏入國際市場的電子音樂廠牌. 創立於 2006
作品發行於義大利.英國.法國, 西班牙. 阿根廷.台灣,印尼等地區. 廠牌旗下的發行製作人
超過20位而這幕後的推手就是Mental Audio 這次請到的來賓 " Eddie Hu". 熱愛搖滾音樂
的Eddie 早期曾經當過樂團歌手也製作過許多流行音樂.直到他接觸到電子音樂後而產生
出新的音樂靈感開啟了他的電子音樂之路. 身為 DJ/ 製作人兼音樂廠牌創辦人的Eddie
演出經歷台灣北中南各地.亦曾受邀至奧克蘭大型派對演出. Eddie 將會用什麼樣的音樂
為大家帶來驚喜呢? 廢話不多說, 就讓我們從音樂來認識 08集Guest Mix 來賓 :: Eddie Hu::
Revox Records is one of the few electronic music labels in Taiwan that successfully made releases across the globe including Italy, UK, Argentina, Spain, Indonesia and Taiwan. The man behind this promising label ; Eddie Hu created “Revox” in year 2006 and before the birth of this label Eddie was once in a band making rock music until he found his heart for electronic music. There are over 20 producers over the world that release tracks under Revox up to date and the label is looking forward to larger productions in the coming future. Mental Audio invited Eddie Hu on the show this time with a guest mix to treat your ears. Enjoy !
01.David Mayer - Moment
02.Tiefschwarz feat. Cassy - Find Me
03.kris wadsworth - det sound(kws move dat ass remix)
04.Adam Port feat. Ruede Hagelstein - Corrosive Love (Alex Dolby Santos Remix)
05.BNZO - Shadowtricks
06.Eddie Hu - Solar
07.Robert Dietz - Bingo Wings
08.Onno - Time For Some Action
09.Anthony Rother - Disco Light (&Me Remix)
10.Aerea Negrot - It's Lover, Love (Philip Bader Remix)
11.Julio Bashmore - Battle For Middle You