From a music lover to a music worker, KAY’s passion towards music
encouraged her to take on her DJ’ing career in year 2004. Before thatshe use to own
a record shop [Lounge Lounge Resords] that supports independent labels
located in the east side of Taipei. 2005 She wasinvited to perform in
Okinawa and established her own Lable [Childisco] in 2006.
Styles from Jazz Funk , Rock, Pop, Indie dance to Deep House,
Tech-house can be heard from her usual sets.
Holding two residencies at the moment, “FiFi Lounge Bar” and “Barcode” Taipei
Holding two residencies at the moment, “FiFi Lounge Bar” and “Barcode” Taipei
. She is often involved in various kinds of parties; fashion shows as well as
cultural and artistic events. I was really looking forward to receive this
guest mix and curious about how she’s going to present her music on
Mental Audio. After 60min of careful listening, I felt like I’ve been flirted,
teased and convinced through her music. This fantastic mix is filled with
solid grooves, standout melodies, and a true underground edge.A very big thanks to
DJ KAY for putting this together and hope youall enjoy it as much as I did.
Guest Mix 05 :: DJ KAY :: Exclusively on Mental Audio Podcast.
從愛聽音樂到音樂工作者的DJ KAY 經歷許多音樂曲風時期
“Lounge Lounge Records” 販售一些獨立廠牌的 Lounge ,Electronica 唱片.
2004 年開始踏入 DJ 生涯, 陸續與一些時尚品牌合作擔任秀場DJ ,
2005 年底受邀至日本沖繩表演, 2006 年成立自己的音樂品牌Childisco [小孩迪斯可].
放歌曲風不受侷限的她從Jazz Funk , Rock, Pop, Indie dance到 Deep House, Tech-house
都是DJ KAY的盤中常客。遊走在地下藝文到時尚走秀中Kay的音樂是一種品質保證.
堅持自己的音樂信念的KAY目前駐場於台北的 FiFi Lounge Bar & Barcode.
堅持自己的音樂信念的KAY目前駐場於台北的 FiFi Lounge Bar & Barcode.
經歷許多派對、走秀、專輯混音已及音樂工作. 對他而言音樂是他的生命,
也背負更多使命 . 收到這次的Guest Mix 前心中充滿了期待, 不曉得KAY會用什麼樣的
音樂方式來跟Mental Audio 會面. 仔細把Guest Mix 聽完後,我笑了.
這60分鐘裡我被調情, 被挑逗, 被說服. 雖然KAY 說他是已比較黑暗的
心情來錄製這段Mix 但我個人認為整段音樂很有深度又不會太沉溺在某個
自我的世界裡. 有高有低, 感覺很奇妙. 非常謝謝 KAY 為大家做出這麼優的混音
也希望各位聽完 KAY 的音樂後也能夠像我一樣露出笑容.
Mental Audio Podcast 05 ::DJ KAY:: 一起欣賞吧!
KAY - Podcast 05 (Mental Audio Podcast 05 Part-2 Guest Mix) by Mental Audio Podcast
You may dowonload every episode for free and enjoy it where and when you want to.
Tracklist :
Martin Buttrich / Song Six
Martin Landsky / Let Me Dance ( Sebo K Remix )Alex Sosa / Slow Burning
Fabien Kamb / Subtle
Dop / Your Sex
Anthes & Alex Celler / Sessy
Italoboyz feat Fadilla / Don't Talk ( the Glitz Remix )
La Pena / Just
Frivolous / Red Tide
Matthew Dear / Little People(Sascha Dive Dub Remix)
Slok /Deesgustocosmicow ( Phonic.Lab Remix )
Mistress Barbara / Dance me the end of love ( Thomas Schumacher Remix)
Mihalis Safras / There is a Place ( Hugo Remix )
Martin Buttrich / Enough love to hate it
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