Mental Audio Podcast is honored to present you Taiwan’s favorite female house DJ; NINA.
Nina begin her Dj’ing career in the late 90’s when residing in Los Angeles, California, where she was inspired and fascinated by the thriving underground house music scene. The deep, funky, jazzy, and tribal grooves that “West coast house” was founded upon have also been key elements in her dj sets ever since.
Nina was voted NO:1 in Taipei Times News paper "Top DJ Poll" in 2006. Currently holding residencies at “in House” and “Marquee” in Taipei every weekend. She is also known as “Queen Bee” - a contributor for the column “The Vinyl Word” in Taipei times, spreading news about Taiwan’s dance music scene. Without further introductions lets get into the 60minutes mix that Nina has put together for us exclusively on Mental Audio podcast.
Mental Audio 播客第二集來賓請到了台灣最受聽眾喜愛的浩室女DJ; NINA.
Nina於90’後期開始她的DJ旅程, 習藝於美國洛杉磯,選曲深受West Coast House影響,充滿FUNK、 JAZZ、SOUL和TRIBAL的元素。曾榮獲得英文台北時報2006年(Taipei Times)台灣Top DJ榜首的頭銜,也曾擔任Chicago house大人物Johnny Fiasco 和 Derrick Carter來臺時的暖場DJ。目前除為台北著名夜吧 inHouse 和 Marquee 的駐場DJ外,也為Taipei Times捉刀,固定撰寫關於DJ和派對的專欄”The Vinyl Word”。沒聽過NINA音樂的話就別錯過這個好機會, 接下來就讓我們共同來欣賞NINA為Mental Audio 特別錄製60分鐘的 DJ Set .
NINA - Podcast 02 (Mental Audio Podcast Guest Mix 02) by Mental Audio Podcast
You may dowonload every episode for free and enjoy it where and when you want to.
1. Dan Caster - Dirty girl and him (whos your daddy mix)
2. Dennis Ferrer - Sinfonia della notte (Gel Abril)
3. M.In - It’s my house
4. AFFKT & Alberto Sola VS LosUpdates - Pobla
5. Rafael Kakudo - work
6. Jay West - Call The Boss
7. Eric Volta - Django
8. Daniel Kampf - Humpty garage
9. The Candy Dealers - Stepping out (Toka Project)
10. Jimster feat Jaidene Veda - Sunday
11.Deep Shizzol - They can’t stop
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